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Computing is an ever evolving realm and one which plays an integral role in the lives of all members of our community. We promote computer science as a valuable life skill and want all children to use technology efficiently. We aim to prepare children for life in a digitised society where many of the jobs that they will have, do not currently exist.

Computing aims to develop children to become:

  • digital citizens (who are safe and responsible),
  • digital communicators (who are digitally literate) and
  • digital creators (who are logical and creative).

Computing is taught as a discrete subject. We have partner with our local Computing Hub and use the Teach Computing curriculum which has been created by subject experts, based on the latest pedagogical research and teacher feedback.

The Teach Computing Curriculum Units can be accessed here:

We have invested in technology to support children in becoming modern, global citizens.

All children in Key Stage 2 have access to their own Chromebook for use during the school day. These can also be taken home during periods of remote learning or National Lockdown so that the learning day can continue.

Across the EYFS and Key Stage 1, we have a range of desktop PC's, laptops, ipad's and tablets so that children are exposed to a range of devices and operating systems. Children are used to accessing technology as part of their continuous provision throughout the day.

Interactive white boards and visualisers are used to support the children’s learning in all classrooms. All teaching areas are networked, incorporating pupil access to the internet and peripheral equipment such as digital cameras.

Global Collaboration Partners

Since 2016, St. Peter's has been part of the JDO Foundation Global Collaboration Program. The JDO Foundation's mission is, " enabling students to become accomplished, well-informed digital citizens... (And) to have these learning experiences transcend geographic, socioeconomic, and religious parameters."

As part of our work with the Foundation, we were provided with 32 ipads and, when our second class joined, 32 chromebooks which supported our drive towards 1:1 technology across all of Key Stage 2.

The program pairs classrooms (students ages 8-14 years) from around the world to collaborate through the innovative and creative use of technology. Year 5 children are paired with children in schools in America and Spain and they work on collaborative projects over the year.

You can find out more about the JDO collaboration project in the International Schools section of our website