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Relationship, Sex and Health Education (RSHE)

We are involved in Relationships and Sex Education precisely because of our Christian beliefs about God and about the human person. The belief in the unique dignity of the human person made in the image and likeness of God underpins the approach to all education in our school. Our approach to RSHE therefore is rooted in the Catholic Church’s teaching of the human person and presented in a positive framework of Christian ideals.

At the heart of the Christian life is the Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit in communion, united in a loving relationship and embracing all people and all creation. We teach the Christian belief that we are made in the image and likeness of God and that gender and sexuality are seen as God’s gift. RSHE is firmly embedded in the Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education framework as it is concerned with nurturing human wholeness and is integral to the physical, spiritual, emotional, moral, social and intellectual development of our pupils.

All RSHE will be in accordance with the Church’s moral teaching. It will emphasise the central importance of marriage and the family. We will acknowledge and ensure that all our pupils are respected and treated as unique individuals in the eyes of God. We will respect the protected characteristics: age, disability, gender, race, religion, beliefs, sex, sexual orientation and ethnicity.

We teach RSHE mainly through the Life to the Full Plus programme devised by Ten:Ten. This is based on ‘A Model Catholic RSHE Curriculum’ by the Catholic Education Service and has been highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department of Education.

Our RSHE curriculum is a partnership between home, school and church and we aim to work in partnership so that our children are fully supported in their growth and understanding.

Our lessons are taught through creative resources that will engage, inform and inspire our children and parents. Our teaching includes the use of interactive video content, story-based activities, worship, music and accompanying prayers.

Our RSHE curriculum is developmental and as children work through the programme, year after year, each stage builds on previous learning.

You can find out more about what we cover in each of these areas by using the links to your left and the curriculum overviews below.