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St Peter's Catholic Primary School

St Peter's Catholic Primary School

Extra Curricular Clubs & Activities

After School Activities

School Clubs (run by staff) are mostly free to attend or have a small charge. This is only possible because of the goodwill of our staff who offer their time voluntarily, in addition to their other responsibilities in school, and we are very grateful to them for this.  We also have a number of externally-run clubs and activities. Please see below the full offer of clubs  along with contact details. 

Clubs run in school by external providers such as StageStars, Josh Evans Football, Karate, Italian and Parkour set their own fee structure, booking system and term dates. Please contact them individually for more information; their details are on the clubs timetable and various flyers are available at the school office.

A range of instrumental lessons are organised by Surrey Arts, RockSteady and the Rock and Pop Foundation. More information and forms are available below and at the school office. 

Children who trigger Pupil Premium funding may be able to access free places in clubs run by external providers. Please contact Mrs Walsh (Family Support Worker for more information. 

Wrap-Around Childcare

If parents require wrap around care then we can recommend the following providers:

Kids Extra 

Kids Extra is a new provider from January 2021, also based in school and run by Samantha Burton.

Kids Extra after school sessions run until 6pm each evening, and the activities provided will include:

  • Homework help 
  • Extra reading
  • Writing support
  • Maths support
  • Structured arts and crafts
  • Structured exercise and sports coaching
  • Cooking

They also run a breakfast club from 7.30am daily

Booking is online via their website: 

Ashtead Kids Club

Ashtead Kids Club have a long-standing relationship with St Peter’s and run a popular drop-off and collection service via minibus. They are open between 7.30am and 6pm each day. Contact Nina Montalbano 07803 618 039 or email

Teacher- Led Clubs Summer 2024

  • Needlework Club
    Monday and Tuesdays 3:20pm - 4:15pm Years 3-6

    Mrs Gomes

  • Italian Club
    Monday  3.20pm - 4.15pm - Years 1& 2

    Mrs Canale

  • Cross Country
    Tuesday 8.10am - 8.45 Years 4,5&6 
    Mrs Kelly and Mrs Taylor

  • KS1 Multisports
    Thursday 8.15  -  8.45am Years 1 and 2 

    Mrs Davies

  • KS2 Choir
    Tuesday 3:20pm -4.30pm - Years 3-6

    Miss Shaw and Mrs Guinde

  • Disney Colouring Club
    Wednesday  8.15am - 8.45am Years 1&2

    Mrs Williams and Miss Smith

  • Chess Club
    Wednesday 8:15am - 8:45am

    Miss Chapman

  • Quiz Club Years 3-6
    Thursday 8.15-8.45am 

    Mrs Hall

  • Table Tennis Year 6
    Friday 8.10-8.45am

    Mrs Hall

  • KS2 Athletics Monday 3.20-4.15pm

  • Mrs Taylor and parent helpers

  • Thursday lunchtimes - Gardening Club run by Miss Lane

External Clubs Summer 2024

Stagestars                 Cricket

Cheerleading            Art

Josh Evans                Coding

Karate                         Country Dancing