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No child should suffer harm, either at home or at school. Everyone who works in or visits our school has a responsibility to make sure that all our young people are safe.

Your child’s physical and emotional safety is our priority. Please see below to view our Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy.

We have rewritten our Safeguarding Policy (downloadable below),in child-friendly language to explain to our pupils the role of the Safeguarding team and how they work to keep children safe.

We have also made a leaflet (downloadable below), also in a child-friendly format, to help the children remember what to do if they have a worry or concern about something, including using the Worry folder which is located on the door to Mrs Hall's office.

What should I do if I am worried about a child?

If you are worried about the safety of any young person in our school for any reason, you must report this to one of our Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSLs). You can speak to us in person, or contact us via email.

Our school Designated Safeguarding Leads are

  • Deputy Headteacher (Lead DSL): Mrs Ruth Hall
  • Headteacher (Deputy DSL): Mrs Lisa Kelly
  • SENDCO (Deputy DSL): Mrs Barbara Tucker
  • KS2 Phase Lead (Deputy DSL): Mrs Alex McWilliams
  • Family Support Worker (Deputy DSL): Mrs Amanda Walsh
  • Safeguarding Governor: Mrs Ann-Marie Bevan

Other Policies Related to Safeguarding

  • Please see below to view our Anti-Bullying Policy
  • Please see below to view our Behaviour Management Policy
  • Please see below to view the Governing Body’s statement on Principles of Behaviour
  • Please see below to view our Online Safety Policy
  • Please see below to view our Medicine and Supporting Pupils at School with Medical Conditions Policy

Please note: The school will only accept prescribed medicines that are in-date, labelled, provided in the original container as dispensed by a pharmacist and include instructions for administration, dosage and storage.

To download a form to give permission for your child to have medicine administered in school, please click here. The form may also be obtained in hard copy at the school office.