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Catholic Schools Inspection 2024

Our latest Catholic School Inspection was in October 2024 and we are very pleased to have been judged as outstanding for Religious Education and Catholic Life and Mission and good for Collective Worship, with an overall judgement of good.

The complete report can be found below.

What the school does well
•Staff at St Peter’s are a key strength of the school: their commitment to the pupils and the school’s mission is evidenced in countless ways.
•Because of this, all pupils feel happy, confident and secure.
•Due to the strong provision and leadership of religious education, pupil outcomes are outstanding.
•There is a clear commitment to pupils of all abilities being able to make progress in their understanding of religious education.
•Links with parents and the local parishes are extremely strong and effective.
What the school needs to improve
•Pupils live out the mission of the Church and the values of Catholic Social Teaching but are not always clear why they are doing so. The school needs to ensure pupils understand and can clearly articulate the theology underpinning their actions.
•Ensure that all relevant staff are able to help pupils to confidently plan and lead well-constructed prayer and liturgy in a variety of contexts.
•Provide spaces and opportunities for prayer outside the classroom that are owned by the pupils so that they are available whenever required.