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Year 4 - Week beginning 13th July

Well done for all your hard work this year Hazel class and Cherry class.

We are exceptionally proud of both the effort you have put into your work and also how you have behaved and been so incredibly kind to each other this year. We can't wait to see you all on Monday 20th July for our Celebration Day but in the meantime enjoy the sporty activities which we have planned for you this week. 


Miss Scott and Mr Barlow x


See Google Classroom for more information including more detailed instructions, presentations, videos and worksheets


READING: find a funny place to read. Take a picture of you reading there and send in to Google Classroom. 

MATHS: Week 11 WR Home learning: Lesson 2 - Compare and order angles

RE: Learn about Oscar Romero

PE: Warm up for sports this week with Yoga



READING: find a funny place to read. Take a picture of you reading there and send in to Google Classroom. 

MATHS:Week 11 WR Home learning: Lesson 3 - Triangles

ART: Create a self portrait and upload it to Google Classroom for our ‘class photo’ (to be printed off and given to children on our Celebration Day)

PE: Record yourself doing Egg and spoon (10m) and sprint races (30m) (see Google classroom for instructions)



READING: find a funny place to read. Take a picture of you reading there and send in to Google Classroom. 

MATHS: Week 11 WR Home Learning. Lesson 4 - Quadrilaterals 

WRITING: A recount of your favourite parts of Year 4 

PE: Record yourself doing Hurdles(30m) and dressing up race (10m)  (see Google classroom for instructions)



READING: find a funny place to read. Take a picture of you reading there and send in to Google Classroom. 

MATHS: TTR Battle between classes- put on some rock music whilst you play!

PE: Record yourself doing an obstacle race (30m)  (see Google classroom for instructions)


*Don’t forget to check out the video for our ‘final end of the day’ message!*





Please contact your child’s class teacher if you need your child's username/password resent or if you can't log onto our Google Classroom for any reason.