Maths - Y3 w/c 6th July
Every day you should do some maths learning for at
least 30 minutes.
Quick Maths Practice
You might like to start your learning each day by spending 10 minutes practising your maths skills. You could:
- Practise the 2, 3,4,5,8 and 10 times tables (quick-fire division)
- Practise on Times Table Rockstars
This week's maths
For the second half of this summer term, we will be continuing to use the above website for all of our maths lessons. This week we are recapping some old learning from when we were in school, let us know how you get on!
This week, please only complete one lesson per day from
Week 10 - w/c 29th June
The activities for this week are no longer available on the White Rose website and instead can be found at the bottom of this page or on Google Classroom.
- There are 4 lessons each week.
- The activities need to be completed in order. Please make sure you watch the video for your activity each day.
- Every day there is a video and an activity sheet.
- During the video it will ask you to pause at different points to have a go at a question on your activity sheet. You can do this, however if it is easier please feel free to watch the whole video before attempting the activity sheet questions.
- Please do not worry if you cannot print the activity sheets, you might like to record your answers in your blue exercise book instead.
- You do not need to complete all of the activity sheet questions every day.