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Maths - Y2 w/c 13th July

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Every day you should do some maths learning for at least 20 minutes.

You might like to start your learning each day by logging into Numbots or by practising your number bonds and counting. You can do this by singing along to the songs linked below


This week’s work: 

This week you will be working on Summer Term Week 11 (w/c 6th July)

The videos for this week can be found on the White Rose website.

The activity sheets are linked below.

  • Monday- Lesson 1 Litres
  • Tuesday- Lesson 2 Temperature
  • Wednesday- Lesson 3 o’clock and half past
  • Thursday- Lesson 4 quarter to and past

During the video it will ask you to pause at different points to have a go at a question on your activity sheet. You can do this, however if it is easier please feel free to watch the whole video before attempting the activity sheet questions.

·Please do not worry if you cannot print the activity sheets, you might like to record your answers in your blue exercise book instead.

· You do not need to complete all of the activity sheet questions every day