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School Travel Plan & Policy

A School Travel Plan promotes active, healthy, safe and sustainable travel to school. 

The main objectives of a School Travel Plan are to: 

  • Improve health through encouraging active travel and reducing harmful emissions.  
  • Improve the environment through reducing congestion, reducing pollution and CO2 emissions and improving facilities for walkers and cyclists. 
  • Improve safety through highways engineering measures and increasing road safety education.  
  • Improve access and opportunity by developing pupils’ skills for safe and independent travel. 

Why have a School Travel Plan? 

Encouraging active travel at schools has a wide range on benefits, both for the school community, but also for the area around the school in terms of less traffic and congestion. The benefits of having an active School Travel Plan include : 

For the pupils 

  • Improving health and fitness by walking, scooting and cycling 
  • Improving travel awareness and road user skills 
  • Improving awareness of their surroundings 

For the school 

  • Improving safety around the school 
  • Reducing congestion around the school 
  • Establishing safer walking and cycling routes around the school 
  • Contributing to other school policies such as Eco- Schools/Healthy Schools etc 
  • Linking to the National Curriculum 

 For parents 

  • Reducing stress and time spent driving to school, especially when it is congested 
  • Increasing quality parent/child contact time 
  • Building better links with the school 

For the local community 

  • Improving the local environment by reducing air and noise pollution 
  • Reducing congestion problems 
  • Improving walking routes 
  • Improving road safety 

Our Travel Plan 

St Peter’s has a School Travel Plan, which can be viewed by request. The current objectives are: 

  1. To reduce the conflict between vehicles, pedestrians and residents through communication and staff presence at drop off and collection. 
  2. To encourage more children and their parents to walk, scooter and cycle to school. 
  3. To restart our ‘Walking Bus’ initially from the car park of Our Lady and St Peter’s Church, Leatherhead.


Our Travel Policy 

Can be viewed by clicking on the link below. 


2016-2017 School Travel Plan