School Uniform
Please note that all items carrying the St Peter’s badge are provided by our official suppliers: Mapac and Unismart. The Friends of St Peter’s (FOSP) also have regular pre-loved uniform sales with good quality items available at very reasonable costs. We encourage all parents to use this service and to donate any uniform no longer needed by your child to them.
Sweatshirts/cardigans, the school tie and our PE shirts are the only badged items which are REQUIRED by our school uniform policy.
Our suppliers offer a range of additional branded items (fleeces etc) but these are optional. Other items of school uniform may be sourced from Mapac, Unismart or from any other high street or web-based supplier.
Uniform list:
Sweatshirt/Cardigan |
Maroon V-neck sweatshirt or sweat cardigan with school logo – available only from Unismart or Mapac |
Shirt |
Pale blue collared shirt (either long or short-sleeved) |
Tie |
Maroon embroidered with school logo – available only from Unismart or Mapac. |
Trousers/Shorts |
Grey Classic tailored cut. No casual or fashion trousers/shorts |
Skirt / Pinafore |
Traditional grey skirt or pinafore dress – knee-length or up to 5cm below knee length |
Summer Dress |
OPTIONAL Worn during Summer Term and up to October Half term |
Indoor P.E. Kit |
Yellow polo shirt with embroidered school logo – available only from Unismart or Mapac |
Outdoor PE Kit |
Navy blue track suit. |
Optional P.E. Kit |
Socks |
Plain grey or white traditional school socks at knee or ankle length – no trainer socks. |
Tights |
Grey |
Shoes |
Black or navy – no open-toed sandals or trainers. All shoes should be a sensible heel height – suitable for running and playing |
Coats / Jackets |
Plain, warm, dark-coloured and waterproof coat or jacket, preferably navy blue. |
School Fleece |
OPTIONAL Maroon fleece with school logo – available only from Unismart or Mapac |
Hats |
Hats for summer term must be school legionnaire hat or plain navy baseball cap (i.e. no other logo). |
Hair |
Hair that is longer than shoulder-length must be tied back. |
Earrings |
Small, plain, gold or silver coloured studs or ‘sleeper’ hoops which fit snugly around the ear lobe are permitted. Children MUST be able to remove these without adult help, since the wearing of earrings for any form of physical education is not allowed. PE is a requirement of the National Curriculum, any child having their ears pierced must do so at the start of the summer holidays. No other jewellery is permitted. |
Watches, 'Smart' watches and wearable technology |
Watch with a plain leather/plastic/metal strap. We discourage children from wearing 'Smart' watches to school and accept no responsibility for loss or damage to these. ‘Smart’ Watches running the iOS or Android operating systems with camera / audio or video recording facilities and/ or independent access to the internet must be switched off and handed to the teacher for safe-keeping during the day. 'Smart' watches without independent connectivity and/ or cameras may be worn providing they are being used as normal watches and for no other function beyond telling the time. (e.g. simple heart/ movement trackers, FitBit Kids). |
Mobile Phones |
Our school strongly advises that pupils do not bring mobile phones into school but accepts that there may be particular circumstances in which a parent wishes their child to have a mobile phone for their own safety. In order to balance the need for children to feel safe when offsite with our safeguarding responsibility we publish a Mobile Phone agreement which is only applicable to children who walk to and from school in Year 5 and6 and which all children and parents must sign before they are permitted to bring a mobile phone on site. You can find more information here. NO OTHER pupils may bring mobile phones into school. If children from any year group are found to have any other mobile devices in their possession, they will be confiscated and returned to them at the end of the school day. |
Any child found to be inappropriately using a mobile phone or Smart Watch will have their device confiscated and kept by the school until appropriate arrangements can be made for the collection of device by a parent/carer. The child will not be able to bring any mobile device into school from this point and will be dealt with in accordance with the school Behaviour Policy. |
Uniform Suppliers:
Unismart: You can order at their shop in Cobham, over the phone on 01932 868233 or via their website here. They offer FREE DELIVERY to the school.
Mapac is an online-only supplier. You can access the website here. You can also order over the phone during office hours 0900- 1700 Mon-Fri on 01923 255525.They offer FREE DELIVERY to the school during term time or for orders over £50.
Friends of St Peter’s (FOSP): to contact them for information about the next pre-loved uniform sale, email and keep an eye on our school newsletters.