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Art & Design

Our Art Curriculum aims to develop creativity, set challenges, engage and inspire children.

The children are taught the knowledge, skills and techniques that enable them to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design.

Children learn the skills of drawing, painting, printing, collage, textiles, 3D work and digital art and are given the opportunity to explore and evaluate different creative ideas.

Art serves to enrich our curriculum and make meaningful connections by being linked to a whole range of areas including IT, RE, History, Geography and Science.

Art enables the children to become more globally and culturally aware by being exposed to a range of artists from the UK and the world beyond.

Progression in skills and techniques is inbuilt and children are expected to be reflective and evaluate their work, thinking about how they can make changes and keep improving. This should be meaningful throughout the process, with evidence of age- related verbal and written reflection.

Links are made to art in industry and in real life settings and the children gain a sense of what is possible for their future lives.

We follow the National Curriculum for Art and our curriculum progression is based around the programmes of study for KS1 and 2, which can be found here.