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A Whole School Approach:

The curriculum at St Peter’s is one which is focused on Building Firm Foundations for lifeOur teaching in all subjects ensures that children have the knowledge and skills needed to achieve their best, both now and in the future

You can read more about our curriculum intent here. More information on all the subjects in the National Curriculum for schools can be found here

When designing our curriculum we took into consideration: the context of our school, the different communities and areas which we serve, the starting points of many of our children and our recent attainment outcomes for children.

"And I tell you, you are Peter. And on this rock I will build my church.”

  • We offer an education which is distinctively Catholic and our curriculum reflects this;
  • The curriculum provides a wide and balanced range of learning experiences across all subjects and areas of school life, to enrich the lives of our children;
  • The curriculum is engaging and memorable;
  • It will create lifelong learners.

We achieve our best.

Our curriculum ensures that children have the knowledge and skills needed to achieve their best, both now and in the future
  • We aim to show children that their future holds possibilities and support them in having high aspirations and taking steps to achieve their goals;
  • The curriculum will ensure that the individual needs of each child are met in an inclusive environment;
  • Through our curriculum, we will ensure children have secure literacy and communication skills. All areas of the curriculum will support vocabulary development and children will be secondary-ready, with reading skills enabling them to access all areas of the wider curriculum;
  • The curriculum will ensure children have secure written and mental arithmetic skills, enabling them to confidently apply their mathematics skills when reasoning and problem solving;
  • There will be clear progression in key knowledge and skills across all subjects;
  • Children will develop transferable skills such as problem solving and investigation, reasoning and comparison, communication and creativity.

We care for others.

Our curriculum will give children the opportunity to learn about the wider world and their place within it, developing care for others and an understanding of social justice
  • The curriculum will introduce the children to a wide range of knowledge, understanding and skills and will be connected and relevant to their lives;
  • Children will learn through our curriculum to appreciate and understand other cultures and religions and develop Fundamental British Values such as mutual respect and tolerance;
  • We will provide opportunities to develop key life skills such as collaboration, empathy, reflectiveness, resilience and resourcefulness;
  • We will provide children with opportunities and encouragement to make a positive contribution to their local community and as global citizens.

We grow in Faith.

Our curriculum will develop and value the whole child and will enable them to flourish as individuals.
  • The curriculum will immerse children in our Catholic Christian traditions so that children can draw upon these to help them to meet challenges that they may face in their lives;
  • We aim for children to understand that they are all individuals made in the image of God and that they deserve to be valued just as others deserve to be valued;
  • Our values will be embedded in all areas of school life and children will learn how they can demonstrate and act these in their own lives;
  • The curriculum will develop children’s spirituality, their understanding of humankind and their place in the world.